Valerie Asiimwe Amani – Tanzania 1991
Valerie Asiimwe Amani is a Tanzanian artist, curator and writer whose multidisciplinary explorations of artistic mediums, interrogates the daily translation of body erotica, language, place and memory. Exhibitions include The Main Complaint, at the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary African Art, Cape Town; Terrains of Possibility at Rele Gallery, Lagos and Boda Boda Lounge at City SALTS, Basel. She has given various talks on Art and Activism including SOAS, University of London with The Royal African society. She is also an art writer focusing on emerging African artists, on Emergent Art Space.
Amani is an Economics and Fashion graduate, and recently acquired her MFA at The Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University. She is the recipient of the 2021 Vivien Leigh Prize for a work on paper, which led to the acquisition of the piece by The Ashmolean Museum.